Friday, August 14, 2009

Exciting New (Alaskan) Work!

I haven't been posting much lately due to the number of ongoing projects I have. Sometimes it can be quite overwhelming but it's fun at the same time! With so many deadlines & happenings my blog has been suffering because I can't show much of the work until it is completed. The good news is, one of these projects is all finished, so I can show it, and here it is:

This cute lil' illustration was done for FEDC (Fairbanks Economic Development Corp.) and used in an ad to be printed in an international magazine. This ad pertains to cold-weather automotive testing, so it's not really aimed at children (despite my being a children's illustrator), though that didn't make it any less fun to work on! The poor little bear is painfully stuck, as tends to happen when you lick a flag pole in the dead of winter. (I personally know of a few people who have tried it, and they felt the same way.)

I am taking this weekend off, as this is Dave's memorial weekend. I'm a bit gloomy so I need some time to myself and with my family. I will have more exciting work to show shortly, though, so please check back soon.

Thanks for dropping by and have a wonderful weekend!


Nikki S said...

I love the Northern Lights and the sky in this piece..
I like that you got to keep your children's market style for something adult!

FAVREAU said...

Thanks, Nikki! I had a lot of fun with it.

Joey said...

Nice work! That is cool you live in Alaska, a place I hope to visit someday. Best wishes on all your projects.

I was sad to read about your brother. My sincere condolences.

FAVREAU said...

Thank you for your kind words Joey.